Contact CEO


If you are calling a general customer service number listed in our address the book then no, however, if you would like to call a CEO or GM of a company that is listed, then the answer is yes. You would need to purchase their information first to obtain their contact number.

We aim to consistently keep our database as accurate as possible however, in some cases there may be information that has been updated after we have audited our database. In this case, please contact us detailing what information you have bought and the problem that has occurred. Once we have checked and verified the information is no longer in use, we will be happy to refund you the amount you paid.

In order to purchase information from our database with cryptocurrency you would need to firstly, get in touch via our contact form which can be found on the contact us page detailing what information you would like to buy and what cryptocurrency you would like to use. Following this, we will respond asking for some of your personal details and also kindly ask you to send the required amount to our crypto address. Once the funds have been received, we will then send you your information by email.

Contact CEO

Please read this passage before purchasing any CEO information as it may help you towards your enquiry.

At Help Connect we understand how difficult it may be to get your point across by contacting the general customer agents. For this reason, we have collected a list of CEO and General Manager contact information, so you can take your inquiries to the next level.

Anyone can use this service who has intentions on contacting a CEO or GM.

We advise that CEO information is used for escalating customer concerns or issues which you have not yet resolved through general customer enquiry avenues. If you have a business, this service can also be used for marketing or sales purposes.

No, we do not recommend using this service to apply for a job or to check the status of any job application.

No, we do not recommend using this service for these purposes. If you would like to make an enquiry for these reasons, we recommend contacting the HR (Human Resources) department or CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) of an organization.

Yes, our contact information is regularly checked and audited. You should receive a response from them or a close associate if you have made enquiries for the right reasons.

The quickest way to find a CEO or GM of a company is too search the company in the search bar at the top of the page, once you have landed on the company page, all the information can be found in the columns. There will be clear instruction on that page on how to acquire that information.

If there is some information you cannot find, please use our contact form to make us aware and we will do our best to update this information in 72 hours. In your request, please include the company name so we can deal with your request as quickly as possible.

Be patient as the person running the organization may be quite busy, if you have not received a reply within two weeks, forward them the same email you initially sent and wait for a response.

Yes, to help maintain the website and keep all the data up to date we charge a fee for this information. More information about the pricing can be found on the terms page.

Yes, CEO and GM can be contacted for sales and marketing purposes.

You can pay using a valid debit or credit card or, you can pay with Bitcoin, Ethereum or Lite coin.

  1. Do not ask for money.
  2. Do not ask for a job.
  3. Do not ask for an internship.
  4. Do not ask for sponsorship.
  5. Do not use CEO information for illegal purposes including fraud, spamming or phishing.
  6. Do not abuse the use of the CEO information by contacting them too many times.
  7. Do not duplicate CEO information, use is only for the person who made the purchase.
  8. Do not send the CEO any abuse or threats.
  1. Be polite.
  2. Be factual.
  3. Show acknowledgement to what you like about their business or organization.
  4. Explain the reason for contacting them.
  5. Provide details on how you have tried to resolve the issue and who you have spoken to, including names if you have them.
  6. Be direct and concise.
  7. Include any supporting evidence such as: receipts, invoices, emails, pictures, etc.
  8. Explain clearly what outcome you would like.
  9. State how long you are willing to wait for a response.
  10. Include your contact details.